January News

Engineers ’Day 2021 is approaching fast. We are very pleased with the great interest and support from our donors and active partners. We see it as an opportunity that most of the events will now be held virtually, as this will allow reaching a larger audience and also remaining present as a contemporary document.

January newsletter Engineers’ Day 2021

Dear friends of the Engineers ’Day

Engineers ’Day 2021 is approaching fast. We are very pleased with the great interest and support from our donors and active partners. We see it as an opportunity that most of the events will now be held virtually, as this will allow reaching a larger audience and also remaining present as a contemporary document.

We are proud that the engineering scene does not let itself be defeated and carries its high level of innovation and creativity to the outside world even in difficult times. This is exactly one of the main goals that were formulated when Engineers ’Day was founded back in 2018.

The Engineers ’Day should not only deal with sustainability, it should also establish itself as a sustainable event. With your participation in 2021 you will lay another foundation stone. Thank you very much!

What's next?

The media event in Bern: We from the Organizing Committee are on the final spurt of planning this anchor event, which will be broadcast live from Bellevue Palace Bern and distributed virtually on YouTube. It serves as the main event for the national media. Due to the current situation, only the speakers and the organization team can be present there. Here is the link for more information. Link

The active partners report their activities to us on an ongoing basis (by February 15 at the latest) so that we can record them on the homepage and broadcast them on social media.

Please also inform your target groups about your activity! We want Engineers ’Day to be perceived by broad sections of the population as a Swiss-wide community event and to have the maximum effect. Here you will find the events that have already been published. Link

Thank you very much for your participation and your commitment to making the achievements of engineers visible.

Christian Vils                   Daniel Löhr

Co-Founder Engineers’ Day

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