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The market in engineering has been marked by an increase in demand in recent years. Studies show that demographic change will exacerbate the situation in the future. In the long term, Switzerland can expect a shortage of up to 50,000 engineers.
Why is there a need for Engineers' Day?
Engineers' Day draws attention to the achievements of engineers. The diversity of the profession and personalities are the focus of this day. One of the aims is to arouse the interest of children and young people. The promotion of young talent counteracts the currently prevailing shortage of skilled workers.
#IngTag1503 @ParmelinG #SwissEngineering #SwissEngineering_stv #USIC_ch #SIA_ch @ETH #eth_ch #engineer #engineering #engineers #ZHAW #HSLU #HSR #BFU @university.rapperswil #hsrrapperswil
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