Canton of Zurich Directorate of Economic Affairs

Platinum Donor: Location Promotion of the Canton of Zurich

Interview with Markus Müller, Project Manager Hightech

Top engineers meet in Schlieren.
Engineers' Day celebrates and discusses the achievements of Swiss engineering every March 4. The Swiss Day is held simultaneously and coordinated with UNESCO's World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development.
For all involved associations, companies, engineers and other interested parties, a networking event will be held in advance on February 17, 2022 at JED in Schlieren. Zurich Cantonal Councilor and Director of Economic Affairs Carmen Walker Späh and Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin will be on hand to emphasize the importance of engineering in Switzerland. In an exciting panel discussion, the qualities and potential of engineers will be highlighted.

Questions to Markus Müller about Engineers' Day.
When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? 

Personally, I have known about Engineers' Day for a long time and I am pleased that the cantonal location promotion is now also part of it.

Your company is participating in Engineers' Day for the first time as a donor. Why are you involved in this event?
The Canton of Zurich has a great interest in promoting young talent in the engineering professions and sees Engineers' Day as an excellent opportunity to highlight the important role that engineers play in the sustainable development of our economic region.   

What goal or goals would you highlight as the most important priority in terms of your involvement in Engineers' Day or in everyday life?
For sustainable development, all the objectives pursued by Engineers' Day are important and relevant. From the point of view of location promotion, increasing the proportion of women in the technical professions and promoting dialogue between female and male engineers and the general public are particularly important. 

Why do you think engineers and their achievements are not perceived enough in everyday life and what can engineers do about it?  
I believe that the achievements of engineers are very well perceived in everyday life, but all too often they are taken for granted. The problems, efforts and setbacks that lie behind the provision of services are often not visible enough to the general public. This is where active discussion between engineers and the general public helps to make technological development understandable and tangible.  

If you had one wish to be able to influence the promotion of young talent even more, who would it be and what would it be?
I would wish that companies would get more involved in promoting young talent and open their laboratories and development departments to student projects.   

Do you have another wish in connection with Engineers' Day?
The organizers of Engineers' Day make an important contribution to the sustainable development of the business location and society. I wish you continued success and that your goals, together with the partners and donors, will be achieved. 

Many thanks to the Standortförderung of the Canton of Zurich for its commitment and support of Engineers' Day.

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