A positive image of engineers among the general public, who do good and care about sustainability issues, also has a positive effect on young people's motivation for these professions. (Image above: Beatrice Huber)
Answers from Beatrice Huber, Head of Communications and Marketing at SATW:
When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (then Engineers' Day)?
It must have been very early on, because SATW has been involved almost since the beginning. We were asked to raise awareness of the day and thus its concerns, which we are of course very happy to do.
This is the fourth time that your association has participated in Engineers' Day. Why are you involved in this cause?
The concerns of Engineers' Day coincide very well with the concerns of SATW. That's why it's as clear as daylight for me that we should get involved.
What goal or goals would you emphasize as the most important priority in terms of your involvement in Engineers' Day or in everyday life?
Promoting young talent is one of SATW's central tasks. So this goal is our top priority. However, it is also clear that this goal can only be achieved if we also address the other goals. After all, a positive image of engineers among the general public, who do good and care about sustainability issues, also has a positive effect on young people's motivation for these professions.
Why do you think engineers and their achievements are not perceived enough in everyday life and what can engineers do about it?
It is probably due to the modesty of engineers. Engineers' Day offers a chance for this, to dare to talk together about the important and outstanding achievements! All are encouraged to do so!
If you had one wish to be able to influence the promotion of young talent even more, to whom would this wish go and what would it be?
The wish would go to the most important reference persons of the children and young people, namely to the parents and teachers. Let the children and young people discover the world of technology. There are so many meaningful ways to work on a better world.
Do you have another wish in connection with Engineers' Day?
I am glad that Engineers' Day exists. I wish that a lot of companies would join in and get involved in the cause. It's not enough if everyone always talks about the shortage of skilled workers. We have to do something about it together! That's exactly why Engineers' Day exists!
Thank you very much for this interview.
Further information on SATW: www.satw.ch
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