Engineers' Day is important for our industry. I would like to see more companies taking a look behind the scenes every year and more participants taking advantage of this opportunity. Then it will make a big difference.

Advisory Board Member: suisse.ing

Interview with Andrea Galli, President suisse.ing

"Engineers need to be heard by politicians, administrators and the public. Engineering performance unfortunately often takes place in the shadows, and this despite the fact that it is of central importance and relevance for the entire population." (Image above: Andrea Galli)

The answers of Andrea Galli, President Suisse.ing:

When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day?

I heard about Engineers' Day through the association and thought it was a great idea right from the start. We have supported the initiative wholeheartedly from the very beginning.

Your association is now participating in Engineers' Day for the 5th time as a donor. Why are you involved in this event?

As an association, we represent the interests of consulting engineering companies in Switzerland and are committed to increasing the visibility of our industry and its services. On this day, we can present the great diversity of work and topics, as well as the relevance of our industry, in concentrated power.

What goal or goals would you highlight as the most important priority in terms of your involvement in Engineers' Day or in everyday life?

Our members need to be heard by politicians, administrators and the public. Engineering work is unfortunately often done in secret, even though it is of central importance and relevance for the entire population. Engineers shape our future and plan our living space. We don't just want to do good and talk about it - that is already a very important step. But we also want to actively promote dialogue between engineers and the groups mentioned before.

Why do you think engineers and their achievements are not perceived enough in everyday life, and what can engineers do about it?  

What works in everyday life is hardly registered. Problems, on the other hand, are perceived much more consciously. Engineers can reveal these things that are taken for granted and the ingenuity of the solutions behind them. And thus inspire the population.

If you had one wish to be able to influence the promotion of young talent even more, who would it be and what would it be?

The engineering industry is a versatile, creative and meaningful industry. We are changing the world. This message needs to get through to the next generation. Often, unfortunately, young people are intimidated - lots of math, old profession. We need policy support here and access to public schools.

Do you have another wish in connection with Engineers' Day?

Engineers' Day is important for our industry. I wish that more companies would let us look behind the scenes every year and that more participants would take advantage of this opportunity. Then it will make a big difference.

What do you see as the most significant future challenge(s) for which we urgently need more engineers?

Our infrastructures are the basis of a healthy and functioning society. There are constantly new needs and necessities for the maintenance of existing infrastructures. Both should be designed in an economically, socially and ecologically sustainable way.

Thank you very much for this interview.

Further information on suisse.ing: www.suisse-ing.ch


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