But I would also like to see less lamentation, criticism and finger-pointing in our society in general, and more implementation and realization instead. Engineers change the world, not the squabblers in the media arena.
Dr. Mario Marti's responses to Engineers' Day.
When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (then Engineers' Day)?
Daniel Löhr informed us in the context of the Bauenschweiz Planning Group, in which all the important planners' associations are represented. I was immediately enthusiastic about the idea and we - usic - have supported the initiative with full conviction from the very beginning.
Your association is now participating in Engineers' Day for the 4th time. Why are you involved in this event?
We represent the interests of consulting engineering companies. The shortage of skilled workers has - unfortunately - been one of the top issues of our association for a long time. We are committed to increasing the number of skilled workers in the engineering industry at various levels: the bilding foundation with its Building Award, a PR campaign, campaigns to make the engineering profession more visible, and so on. Engineers' Day fits seamlessly into these efforts.
Which Engineers' Day goals would you highlight as the most important priority in terms of your involvement?
All of the goals are important. Making engineering achievements visible is central, because unfortunately they are too often done in secret. The achievements of engineers are great and of central importance for a sustainable future of our world. This needs to be shown and celebrated!
Why do you think engineers and their achievements are not perceived enough in everyday life and what can engineers do about it?
We tend to see problems first and foremost and take what works well for granted. In doing so, we fail to recognize the genius behind it. Engineers have everything in their hands: They can show what they are working on - people will be thrilled!
If you had one wish to be able to influence the promotion of young talent even more, to whom would it go and what would that wish be?
Of course, I would like to see broad political support and also a stronger focus in public schools. But I would also like to see less lamentation, criticism and finger-pointing in our society in general, and more implementation and realization instead. Engineers change the world, not the squabblers in the media arena.
Do you have another wish in connection with Engineers' Day?
Engineers' Day has made a great development. I would like to see it continue - more participants and a greater reach every year. Then it will make a big difference.
Further information: usic.ch
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