It would be great if awareness of the great importance of engineering professions for society could be raised during school education.

Gold Donor: Eniwa AG

Interview with: Claudio Richter Project Manager / Agile Project Management & Concept Development

We urgently need more engineers in the fields of renewable energies, digitalisation and the development of sustainable infrastructures.

Question 1: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? 
When Eniwa received the request for sponsorship, it was immediately clear to me that we wanted to be part of this movement. As an innovative company, we promote the next generation of engineers and are therefore happy to be involved in the networking event in Aarau.

Question 2: Your company is taking part in Engineers' Day as a donor for the first time. Why are you involved in this event?
We see it as an excellent opportunity to honour the special achievements of engineers and to strengthen the dialogue between engineers and the general public.

Question 3: Which goal or goals would you emphasise as the most important priority in relation to your involvement in Engineer' Day or in everyday life in relation to sustainability?
The first priority is to promote the next generation of engineers, especially among young women. The shortage of skilled labour is becoming more acute. We are convinced that, thanks to Engineers' Day, we will succeed in increasing the attractiveness of the profession and arousing the interest of talented young people for an exciting job at Eniwa.

Question 4: Why do you think engineers and their achievements are not recognised enough in everyday life and what can engineers do to improve this?  
Because engineering services often work in the background. Engineers can make their achievements more visible by communicating their projects and emphasising the positive impact they have on society.

Question 5: If you had one wish to influence the promotion of young talent even more, who would it be and what would it be?
To the educational institutions. It would be great if awareness of the great importance of engineering professions for society could be raised during school education.

Question 6: Do you have another wish in connection with Engineer' Day?
That the event is used even more as a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue between engineers and other professional groups.

Question 7: Which future challenge(s) do you see as the most important, for which we urgently need more engineers?
We urgently need more engineers in the fields of renewable energies, digitalisation and the development of sustainable infrastructures.

Question 8: Here you are welcome to make your own statement about yourself, your company, the sector in which you work and your achievements in relation to sustainability or engineering!
As a project manager in the field of innovation, I am proud to be involved in shaping a sustainable energy future. Eniwa is committed to environmentally friendly energy solutions and my work contributes concretely to the promotion of sustainable technologies. Engineers' Day is an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded visionaries who are passionate about sustainability.

Thank you very much for agreeing to this interview.

Further information about Eniwa AG can be found here


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