Ziel und Inhalt des Workshops Im Rahmen des Engineers’ Day 2025 welcher unter dem Thema «Nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion in der Schweiz – Ingenieur:innen schaffen innovative Lösungen!» stand, organisierte die Helbling Technik als Sponsor einen Workshop zum Thema «Nachhaltige Technik: Ist Food Waste bald Geschichte». Der Workshop startete mit einer kurzen Einleitung in das Thema Food Waste. Mit Hilfe einer… View More
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Helbling Technik Workshops: Nachhaltige Technik: Ist Food Waste bald Geschichte?
Resumé Workshop vom 6. Februar am Netzwerkanlass des Engineers' Day
Workshop Netzwerkanlass: SIA-Cybersicherheitsspiel
Workshoporganisator: Schweizerischer Ingenieur und Architektenverein (SIA)
Urs Wiederkehr, Dr. sc. techn., Dipl. Bau-Ing. ETH/SIA, Leiter Informationsmanagement, Geschäftsstelle Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein SIA
Weshalb haben Sie diesen Workshop speziell im Rahmen des Netzwerkanlasses des Engineers' Day organisiert? Massnahmen zur Cybersicherheit sind in einer Branche nur erfolgreich, wenn sie im Verbund aller von einem Angriff möglicherweise Betroffenen getragen werden. Durch das Zusammentreffen von kompetenten Personen mit den unterschiedlichsten Erfahrungen und beruflichen Hintergründen, liefert dieser Netzwerkanlass… View More
«Ich glaube nicht, dass es einen spannenderen Job als der der Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure gibt».
Silber Donator: Gruner
Olivier Aebi, CEO Gruner
Wir versuchen unseren Teil beizutragen, dass der Beruf bekannt wird und zu zeigen, welche wichtigen Projekte in diesem Beruf bearbeitet werden können. Und wir können als Unternehmen grossartige Aufgaben bieten, damit im Umfeld unserer Mitarbeitenden die Mundpropaganda wirken kann. Wann und in welchem Zusammenhang haben Sie das erste Mal vom Engineers’ Day vernommen? Vom Anlass bzw. den Anlässen… View More
Engagement der FTAL gegen Nachwuchsmangel in MINT Berufen am Netzwerkanlass 2025
Workshoporganisator: Fachkonferenz Technik, Architektur und Life Sciences (FTAL)
Dirk Wilhelm Präsident FTAL, Direktor ZHAW, School of Engineering
Weshalb haben Sie den Workshop im Zusammenhang mit dem Engineers' Day organisiert? Die Veranstalter des Engineers’ Day setzen sich für die Stärkung des Ingenieurberufs ein. Dazu gehört in besonderem Masse auch die Ausbildung junger Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure. Wir wollen mehr junge Leute für ein Ingenieurstudium begeistern. Ziel des Workshops ist es gemeinsam mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern aus der Industrie… View More
Helbling Technik thrives on the daily enthusiasm of its engineers for developing innovative solutions.
Workshop Donor: Helbling Technik AG
Interview with: Frederic De Simoni and Pascal Beyerle (members of the Executive Board).
Weshalb haben Sie sich entschieden, am Engineers' Day Netzwerkanlass diesen Workshop anzubieten? Was möchten Sie damit erreichen? Die Entscheidung, am Engineers' Day Netzwerkanlass diesen Workshop anzubieten, basiert auf unserem Anspruch, technologische Innovationen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen, wie Lebensmittelverschwendung, anzugehen. Laut dem UN Report 2023 werden weltweit täglich Lebensmittel… View More
Engagement von Swiss Engineering für Nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion - Workshop am 6. Feburar 2025
Workshoporganisator: Swiss Engineering STV
Giovanni Crupi, Präsident Swiss Engineering
Was war die zentrale Motivation für Swiss Engineering, in einem Workshop das Thema „Nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion“ in den Fokus des Engineers’ Day zu rücken? Swiss Engineering möchte mit dem Fokus auf „Nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion“ Ingenieur: innen als treibende Kräfte für innovative Lösungen sichtbar machen. Ziel ist es, gesunde und ausreichende Ernährung für alle zu sichern und die… View More
Unsere Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure leisten durch Innovation, Präzision und Weitblick einen wesentlichen Beitrag, um die Lebensqualität in der Schweiz zu erhalten
Silber Donator: Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA
Interview mit: Jürg Röthlisberger, Direktor ASTRA
Nachhaltige Mobilität sowie eine sichere, verfügbare und verträgliche Infrastruktur bilden eine Grundlage für eine zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft. Unsere Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure leisten durch Innovation, Präzision und Weitblick einen wesentlichen Beitrag, um die Lebensqualität in der Schweiz zu erhalten. Gemeinsam gestalten wir den Verkehr von morgen – effizient, nachhaltig und für die gesamte… View More
Insbesondere Mädchen sollten für das Thema Technik begeistert werden. Der Frauenanteil hat zwar in den letzten Jahren in den Ingenieurberufen zugenommen, ist jedoch noch immer ausbaufähig.
Silber Donator: JURA Materials / JURA-Cement-Fabriken AG
Interview mit Sabrina Steinacher, Fachspezialistin Nachhaltigkeit TCC
Bildung sollte in der Schweiz oberste Priorität haben, und akademische wie auch nicht-akademische Berufe sollten gleichermassen gefördert werden. Insbesondere Mädchen sollten für das Thema Technik begeistert werden. Der Frauenanteil hat zwar in den letzten Jahren in den Ingenieurberufen zugenommen, ist jedoch noch immer ausbaufähig. Dazu ist es wichtig, bereits in der Schule auf die vielfältigen Berufs- und Karrieremöglichkeiten im… View More
Mit Sicherheit in die Zukunft: Wir benötigen innovative Köpfe, die Lösungen für nachhaltige Energiegewinnung und -nutzung, CO₂-Reduktion und technische Sicherheit gewährleisten.
Silber Donator: SVTI-Gruppe (SVTI und Swiss Safety Center AG)
Interview mit Dr. Elisabetta Carrea, CEO Swiss Safety Center AG
Ingenieurleistungen sind oft unsichtbar, weil sie in Produkten oder Infrastrukturen integriert sind, die als selbstverständlich betrachtet werden. Um dies zu ändern, sollten Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure verstärkt über ihre Projekte, ihre Leistungen und deren Nutzen kommunizieren, beispielsweise durch Social Media, Vorträge oder Beteiligung an öffentlichen Diskussionen. Wann und in welchem Zusammenhang haben Sie… View More
Ingenieure und Ingenieurinnen tragen massgeblich zur Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lösungen bei und haben eine wichtige Verantwortung gegenüber zukünftigen Generationen.
Silber Donator: Amstein + Walthert Holding AG
Interview mit Rolf Mielebacher COO
Es ist wichtig, dass gemeinsame Anstrengungen unternommen werden, um eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu gestalten. Jeder Einzelne kann durch bewusste Entscheidungen und Handlungen einen Beitrag leisten. Es sollten innovative Lösungen gefördert und der Dialog zwischen Ingenieuren und der Gesellschaft gestärkt werden. Wann und in welchem Zusammenhang hast Du das erste Mal vom Engineers’ Day… View More
Engineers' Day: Sponsor folder
Sponsor folder
Engineers create sustainable solutions
Shaping the future, promoting talent: a partnership with Engineers' Day
The sponsorship folder is currently only available in German and French. For further information, please contact us. Executive Summary: This brochure explores the importance of Engineers' Day as a celebration of engineers and their outstanding contributions to society and sustainable development. Since its launch in Switzerland in 2018, Engineers' Day has grown into a global initiative that takes place annually on… View More
The SATW wants to offer young people a springboard into the world of technology
Advisory Board Member: Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW
Interview with Esther Koller-Meier Secretary General
My wish goes out to parents and teachers. Give young people the chance to discover the fascinating world of technology. Our everyday lives are characterised by technology. That's why it's important that young people take an interest in it. Positive key experiences can have a lasting influence on future career choices. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? The SATW has… View More
Engineers play a key role in shaping our future.
04.03.2024 Federal Council Guy Parmelin, the President of the Patronage:
Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted that Engineers' Day is taking place again this year.
In our everyday lives, we enjoy the achievements of the engineers we want to honour today every day - from the solar system on the roof to the SmartTV in the living room. We learn from this once again: Engineers are important for the present and they play a key role in shaping our future. New challenges are coming our way, for which we urgently need bright minds, new ideas and innovative applications. We count on engineers when it… View More
TecDays at Swiss secondary schools
Are you keen on inspiring young talent and promoting the image of the engineering profession?
Participate in SATW TecDays at Swiss secondary schools!
The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW has been organising TecDays at secondary schools in Switzerland for 17 years with great success. On TecDays, experts from the industry and research perform 90-minute hands-on workshops about their field of expertise. We organize 10-14 TecDays every year for smaller and larger schools - that's up to 10,000 pupils every year. Students choose their favorites from a wide range of different workshops… View More
It would be great if awareness of the great importance of engineering professions for society could be raised during school education.
Gold Donor: Eniwa AG
Interview with: Claudio Richter Project Manager / Agile Project Management & Concept Development
We urgently need more engineers in the fields of renewable energies, digitalisation and the development of sustainable infrastructures. Question 1: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? When Eniwa received the request for sponsorship, it was immediately clear to me that we wanted to be part of this movement. As an innovative company, we promote the next generation of… View More
There are already many levers for more sustainable construction with concrete. This starts with the planning of new buildings. It is important that they are designed to be recyclable and save materials. The engineer is one of the most important players!
Workshop Donor: JURA Materials-Group
Interview with Sabrina Steinacher, Sustainability Specialist, Technical Competence Centre, Jura-Cement-Fabriken AG
The Swiss cement industry wants to be climate-neutral by 2050. Our company wants to play a leading role in this endeavour. Innovation is part of our DNA, and developing sustainable solutions is one of our priorities. We want to reinvent the way our world is built. Question 1: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? We were contacted as a potential sponsor in 2022 based on… View More
Helbling Technik thrives on the daily enthusiasm of its engineers for developing innovative solutions.
Workshop Donor: Helbling Technik AG
Interview with: Frederic De Simoni and Pascal Beyerle (members of the Executive Board).
Sustainable products and increasing efficiency in the operation of machines and means of transport will be of central importance in the future. This is not possible without good engineers. Question 1: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? This year, we were personally asked by the management whether we would like to actively support the event at the Aarau… View More
Die Aargauische Kantonalbank engagiert sich für einen wirtschaftlich und gesellschaftlich starken, nachhaltigen und attraktiven Kanton Aargau.
Golddonator: Aargauische Kantonalbank
Interview mit Urs Podzorski, Leiter Nachhaltigkeit
«Für eine nachhaltige Zukunft braucht es jede Einzelne und jeden Einzelnen, so auch die Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure. Als ausgebildeter Umweltingenieur liegen mir diese persönlich am Herzen.» Frage 1: Wann und in welchem Zusammenhang haben Sie das erste Mal vom Engineers’ Day vernommen? Wir wurden dieses Jahr aufgrund persönlicher Kontakte zum ersten Mal für ein Sponsoring angefragt. Die… View More
The city of Aarau is the next venue for the 2024 networking event - Dr Hanspeter Hilfiker, City President of Aarau in interview
City President Dr. Hanspeter Hilfiker
The city of Aarau is home to many companies that are active in promising industries. By hosting the Engineers' Day networking event in Aarau, we are also positioning ourselves positively as a city in and for these industries.
The future belongs to products and services that use little energy and raw materials. This requires important engineering services. We are very pleased that the city of Aarau is committed to Engineers' Day and will host the networking event in 2024. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? To be honest, last year, in the run-up to Engineers' Day, the company Schöck Schweiz… View More
Yvonne Bettkober continues to support Engineers' Day as a patron member and gives us a little insight into the big world of the VW Group!
Patron Member: Yvonne Bettkober
"Head of Organisational Development and Group Transformation" at VW
The Volkswagen Group has just over 670 thousand employees and many of them are engineers: inside for mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science etc. Diversity is one of seven corporate principles and an integral part of the group-wide ESG strategy (sustainability strategy). We use the Diversity Index to measure and control the proportion of women in management and internationality in top management throughout the… View More
Technology Briefing at Empa: "Use of Hardwood in Structural Engineering - Opportunities and Challenges".
Note from Engineers' Day: On July 5, 2023, the Technology Briefing on "Use of Hardwood in Structural Engineering" will take place at Empa in Dübendorf. On this afternoon, researchers and industry partners will present how construction with hardwood offers solutions to challenges in the construction of highly stressed timber structures and how the use of wood in structural engineering can be expanded.
Geschätzte Freundinnen und Freunde des Engineers’ Day Motiviert und schwungvoll starten wir in die Vorbereitungen des Engineers’ Day 2024. Save the Dates! Reservieren Sie bitte heute schon diese Daten oder melden Sie sich bereits als Aktivpartner oder Donator an: Montag, den 23. Oktober 2023: Staffellauf mit Stabübergabe von Bern nach Aarau. Mit diesem Anlass… View More
Technology Briefing at Empa: "Use of Hardwood in Structural Engineering - Opportunities and Challenges".
Note from Engineers' Day: On July 5, 2023, the Technology Briefing on "Use of Hardwood in Structural Engineering" will take place at Empa in Dübendorf. On this afternoon, researchers and industry partners will present how construction with hardwood offers solutions to challenges in the construction of highly stressed timber structures and how the use of wood in structural engineering can be expanded.
Large forces in long-span and multi-story engineering structures of timber construction require the use of high-performance components and optimized technologies to ensure the structural safety of the structures. Even though hardwood makes up more than 30 percent of the Swiss forest, softwood is used almost exclusively in construction. Yet construction products made of hardwood certainly offer innovative potential, especially for… View More
SATW-Jahreskongress 2023: «Versorgungssicherheit – technische Souveränität»
Corona, Klimawandel, Krieg in der Ukraine. Verschiedene Krisen in letzter Zeit, die immer noch andauern, haben gezeigt, dass es nur wenig braucht, um die «Just in time»-Maxime ins Stolpern zu bringen. Es stellen sich wichtige Fragen darüber, wie es um unsere Versorgungssicherheit in vielen Bereichen steht und wie technisch souverän die Schweiz sein sollte. Dabei ist die Technik sehr oft sehr stark gefragt.
Am SATW-Jahreskongress suchen wir Antworten. Einerseits für «Energie»: So hat das Szenario einer Strommangellage Fragen rund um Versorgungssicherheit beim Umbau des Energiesystems in der Schweiz wieder vermehrt in den Fokus gerückt. Wie steht es um diese im Bereich Energieversorgung? Wie können wir diese kurz- und langfristig verbessern? Ist dies überhaupt nötig? Und anderseits für «Daten – künstliche Intelligenz»: Wie technisch… View More
Our real estate projects can only be planned and realized to a high quality by well-trained engineers!
Donator: Xania real estate Zurich
Interview with Thomas Prajer, Founder
"Many people do not know what engineers do exactly. It is also often forgotten that engineers from many different disciplines are involved in a construction project. Here, a graphic representation would be desirable as a visualization of the diverse services and areas of expertise. This would give the general public as well as young engineers a more accurate picture of the exciting activities involved. " (Picture above: Thomas… View More
There is hardly a minute in our everyday lives when we do not interact physically or virtually with technology. It must be a matter of concern for us to prepare our children to assess technology, to use it consciously, and to apply it purposefully.
Patron Member: Yvonne Bettkober
Interview with Yvonne Bettkober, General Manager Amazon Web Services Switzerland and Austria
"The great challenges of our time are well summarized in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) of the United Nations. For none of these goals can I think of lasting solutions in which technicians:indoors and engineers:indoors do not play a key role. So there is a lot of meaningful work to be done. That should inspire our youth to pitch in." (Image above: Yvonne Bettkober) The answers from Yvonne Bettkober,… View More
Engineers must be motivated to become more actively involved in upcoming decisions and must play a more active role in determining the future.
Donor: BKW Engineering
Interview with Werner Jensch, Executive Board ASSMANN BERATEN + PLANEN GmbH, a subsidiary of BKW Engineering
Unfortunately, engineering studies today are seen as too time-consuming and unattractive. In addition, many engineers tend to complicate solutions and not explain them in a way that is effective for the public. It must therefore be possible to once again appreciate the contribution that engineers make to today's society. -> (Image above: Werner Jensch) Answers from Werner Jensch, Managing Director of ASSMANN… View More
I consider engineering education to be an important social task. Engineers are instrumental in solving our challenges
Patron Member: Dirk Wilhelm
Interview with Dirk Wilhelm, Director ZHAW, School of Engineering, President FTAL
"At ZHAW, we focus STEM promotion on children and young people from secondary school onwards. In our programs, we place increased emphasis on getting girls interested in STEM fields. Only if enough female and male engineers are available to the economy can Switzerland maintain its excellent position as one of the most innovative countries in the world." (Image above: Dirk Wilhelm) Responses from Dirk Wilhelm, Director… View More
Engineers' Day is important for our industry. I would like to see more companies taking a look behind the scenes every year and more participants taking advantage of this opportunity. Then it will make a big difference.
Advisory Board Member: suisse.ing
Interview with Andrea Galli, President suisse.ing
"Engineers need to be heard by politicians, administrators and the public. Engineering performance unfortunately often takes place in the shadows, and this despite the fact that it is of central importance and relevance for the entire population." (Image above: Andrea Galli) The answers of Andrea Galli, President Suisse.ing: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers'… View More
Personally, the promotion of young engineers and here also the enthusiasm of women for these professions is close to my heart.
Patron Member: Tanja Zimmermann
Interview with Tanja Zimmermann, Director Empa
The Engineer's Day promotes the enormously important young talent and the excellent image of the engineering professions as well as the interaction with various stakeholders from politics, society, industry and research. It would be nice if the number of supporting partner organizations and donors would increase even further. (Picture above: Tanja Zimmermann) The answers from Tanja Zimmermann, Director… View More
Our primary goal is to promote young talent by arranging exciting, study-relevant internships that give students equally important insights into the working world and have a lasting positive impact on their career options.
Advisory Board Member: Sabine Lenz
Interview with Sabine Lenz, Executive Director & National Secretary of IAESTE Switzerland
"I was quickly convinced by the idea of Engineers' Day and have been happy to contribute ideas and input as an advisory board member ever since. We are counteracting the shortage of skilled workers with our activities, which in turn is one of the goals of Engineers' Day." (Image above: Sabine Lenz) Answers from Sabine Lenz, Managing Director & National Secretary of IAESTE Switzerland: When… View More
"For me, promoting young talent is one of the most important goals. This can be achieved if we all make our outstanding achievements more visible at the same time."
Advisory Board Member: Rico Breu
Interview with Rico Breu, Vice President Engineer - Surveyor Switzerland IGS
"Engineers must learn how to win over their target audience and convince them in the long term. We have to convince our customers "WHY?" our solutions are needed. We too often get lost in explanations "HOW?" our solution works." (Image above: Rico Breu) The answers from Rico Breu, Vice President Engineer - Surveyor Switzerland IGS: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers'… View More
Let children and young people discover the world of technology. There are so many meaningful ways to work towards a better world
Advisory Board Member: Beatrice Huber
Interview with Beatrice Huber, Head of Communication and Marketing at SATW
A positive image of engineers among the general public, who do good and care about sustainability issues, also has a positive effect on young people's motivation for these professions. (Image above: Beatrice Huber) Answers from Beatrice Huber, Head of Communications and Marketing at SATW: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (then Engineers'… View More
My central concern is to awaken and strengthen the fascination for technology in young people.
Patronage member: Barbara Frei
Interview with Barbara Frei, EVP Industrial Automation at Schneider Electric
Engineers make an important contribution to the challenges of our time -- and it's very exciting when we tell it like it is. (Image above: Barbara Frei) The answers from Barbara Frei, Executive Vice President Industrial Automation, Schneider Electric: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (then Engineers' Day)? I first heard about it through Daniel… View More
Technology is our passion - investing in the future of young IT professionals
Donor: Noser Engineering
Interview with Daniel Brüngger, COO, Noser Engineering AG
Technology is our passion and we are convinced that we can contribute to solutions for social challenges with technology know-how. (Image above: Daniel Brüngger) The answers from Daniel Brüngger, COO, Noser Engineering: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? Noser Engineering participated in Engineers' Day for the first time in 2021, but had… View More
Promoting young talent in vocational training, continuing education and in the field of university engineers
Donator: WALO Group / Walo Bertschinger AG
Interview with Christian Wasserfallen, Member of the National Council, President of the Board of Directors of Walo Bertschinger AG in Bern
In the construction industry, as everywhere else where technology is concerned, there is an acute shortage of skilled workers. Competition for the best talent is coming to a head. (Image above: Christian Wasserfallen) The answers from Christian Wasserfallen, National Councillor President of the Board of Directors of Walo Bertschinger AG in Bern: When and in what context did you first hear about… View More
With contributing to the promotion of careers and awareness of Switzerland as a location for innovation
Donor: Zühlke
Interview with Nicolas Durville, CEO Zühlke Switzerland & Partner
"It is a central concern of mine to demonstrate the attractiveness and relevance of the engineering profession to a broader public and especially to the younger target group". (Image above: Nicolas Durville) The answers from Nicolas Durville, CEO of Zühlke, Switzerland: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (then Engineers' Day)? Shortly after the… View More
Engineer:inside offers the ideal material for writing stories
Donor: Fleurop Interflora (Switzerland) AG
Interview with Rinaldo Walser, COO
Engineering art is a common term. But art wants to be "told." It must be seen, felt, experienced. For paintings there are exhibitions, for music there are concerts...but engineering art is still not celebrated enough, especially by those outside the industry. (Image above: Rinaldo Walser) The answers from Rinaldo Walser COO of Fleurop AG Interflora (Schweiz AG): When and in what context did you first… View More
Engineers’ Day 2023 – World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development On Saturday, 4 March 2023, it will be that time again and we can celebrate the fifth anniversary of Engineers' Day together. What began on a small scale in Switzerland in March 2018 has become the most important day for engineers. Because we want to achieve the following with it: Vision of Engineers' Day: "As Engineers' Day and… View More
Holen Sie sich die Fachkräfte von morgen ins Haus!
Nationaler Zukunftstag: Donnerstag, 10. November 2022
Am Zukunftstag wechseln Mädchen und Jungen die Seiten und erhalten praxisnah Einblicke in Berufe und Arbeitsbereiche, in denen ihr Geschlecht bisher untervertreten ist. Der Zukunftstag ermutigt sie, bei der Berufswahl ihre Interessen und Talente in den Vordergrund zu stellen und Vorurteile zu hinterfragen. Der Zukunftstag ist eine Chance für Betriebe und Organisationen Nur 3.3 Prozent der Schülerinnen… View More
Tec-Challenge - where young people discover their technical side!
Swiss TecLadies - Strong Girls for Switzerland as a Business Location
The national support program SwissTecLadies of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW is entering the next round. Swiss… View More
Swiss Engineering has of course been involved since the beginning.
On the advisory board the representation of Swiss Engineering STV
Interview with Giovanni Crupi, President and Alexander Jäger, Managing Director
Swiss Engineering sees Engineers' Day as part of World Engineers Day and the goals of the World Engineering Association, highlighting engineering achievements in the context of Unesco's 17 sustainability themes is the right thing to do for Swiss Engineering STV. (Picture above: Giovanni Crupi) Giovanni Crupi and Alexander Jäger's answers: When and in what context did you first hear… View More
Some engineering fields lack "sexiness"!
Donor: EQUANS Switzerland
Interview with Antonin Guez, CEO & Head of Integrated Services a.i.
Answers from Antonin Guez, on Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? I first heard about Engineers' Day in 2019. It was during my second year at ENGIE [now EQUANS]. I thought it was a great idea to promote what is key for us to address current challenges: technical skills, especially related to the energy transition. Your… View More
Focus on simple and understandable communication
Active partner Pini Group
Interview with Flavio Maccanelli
I think it is particularly appropriate to show our young people the potential for action and the responsibility they will have in shaping our territory. Flavio Maccanelli's answers about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (then Engineers' Day)? When I joined the Pini Group three years ago. Similar events to bring the younger generation… View More
Explaining our profession with more emotion to the younger generation
Active partner Pini Group
Interviewer: Stefano Guandalini, Head of the Italian-speaking Switzerland Region
This day is good for the entire engineering industry. It is important that the younger generations also learn positively about our interesting professional activities. Answers from Stefano Guandalini, about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? I first heard about Engineers' Day a few years ago (2020). I'm not sure, but probably the information… View More
Sustainable contacts and relationships are the be-all and end-all in the construction industry.
Donor: Walo Bertschinger AG
Davide Di Falco, Chief Executive Officer for WALO Civil (USA)
Engineers' Day is therefore a good occasion to consciously present oneself and to share the enthusiasm for one's own area of expertise. The answers from Davide Di Falco, about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (then Engineers' Day)? We became aware of the event through a flyer. Your company is now participating in Engineers'… View More
Only when a system fails do we become aware of the engineering effort.
Donor: Bouygues Energies & Services, Switzerland
Stéphane Schneider, CEO
There are countless popular TV series devoted to working life in law firms, banks or agencies, but few that focus on attractive technical professions. Stéphane Schneider's answers to Engineers' Day. This is the second time that your company has donated to Engineers' Day. Why are you involved in this event? It is engineers who have brought our high-tech world with all its conveniences… View More
Unfortunately, the shortage of skilled workers has been one of our association's top issues for a long time.
On the Advisory Board as representative of USIC - The Swiss Association of Consulting Engineering Companies
Dr. Mario Marti, Managing Director
But I would also like to see less lamentation, criticism and finger-pointing in our society in general, and more implementation and realization instead. Engineers change the world, not the squabblers in the media arena. Dr. Mario Marti's responses to Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (then Engineers' Day)? Daniel Löhr informed us in the… View More
Promote equal conditions for professional development
(SUPSI) The University of Applied Sciences of Italian Switzerland
Nicoletta Tesio, Engineer at SUPSI
It would be important for all schools of all levels to be able to participate in Engineers' Day with activities, testimonials, visits or in-depth studies. Nicoletta Tesio's answers about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? I first heard about the Day in 2018 on the occasion of the first edition. An invitation came from SUPSI management to… View More
Steady growth in the proportion of women in some engineering disciplines
SVIN Swiss Association of Women Engineers
Cornelia Malecki, Member of the Board
We have seen a steady increase in the proportion of women in some engineering disciplines for some years now, at least in the degree programs. But the proportion of well-trained female engineers is still small. We should therefore strengthen our image in this respect. Answers from Cornelia Malecki on Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? The… View More
Important contributions of engineers to the solution of major challenges.
Advisory Board sia swiss association of engineers and architects
Christoph Starck, Managing Director
Society is far too unaware of the important contributions engineers make to solving the great challenges of our time. Engineers make a significant contribution to shaping our environment and our living space. Answers from Christoph Starck about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? The SIA was already approached by the organizers when the… View More
Engineers should actively participate in public relations work
Donor: Canton of Aargau, Civil Engineering Department
Interview with Dominik Studer, Cantonal Engineer
Engineers should talk more about the good achievements in their environment and actively participate in public relations. Answers from Dominik Studer about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? I had already registered individual contributions at the first two events. Within the Civil Engineering Department of the Canton of Aargau, we discussed… View More
IngCH would also like to encourage young women in particular
Advisory Board member representing IngCH Engineers Shape our Future
Lea Hasler, Managing Director
Promoting young talent requires perseverance, and many players do not have this understanding; they want immediate results. We have to work on this in the long term. Answers from Lea Hasler about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? Already at the first event, I noticed how committed Daniel Löhr is to the engineers. This… View More
Engineering is given a particularly high priority in sustainability issues
Donor: Halter AG
Interview with Markus Mettler, CEO
When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? Halter AG has maintained a professional exchange with the initiators of Engineer's Day for years. The event concept, which focuses on promoting young talent, is interesting per se for our company. Your company is now participating in Engineers' Day for the third time as a donor. Why are you involved in this event? It is… View More
Schöck: The right solution for all load-bearing building components!
Donor: Schöck Bauteile AG
Interview with Etienne Michel, Managing Director Switzerland
We have all witnessed how fast the world is developing and how important it is that engineers accompany this change and drive innovation. We at Schöck Bauteile AG want to support the basis for this with our commitment. Answers from Etienne Michel about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? It was through an employee who was in good contact… View More
Developing cities in a mobile way while making the environment livable
Donor: ewp Group
Interview with Fiona Trachsel, CEO
Engineers are basically very modest, they plan and project quietly, without making a big fuss about it. Before I came to ewp, I had no idea how much is already behind a comparatively small infrastructure project, how incredibly much work goes into it. Answers from Fiona Trachsel about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? It must have been… View More
Personal commitment and social responsibility
Donor: PTV Pension Fund of the Technical Associations SIA STV BSA FSAI USIC
Interview with Dr. Christoph Brügger, Managing Director
You can only be close to it if you are also in the middle of it. What are the current topics? What drives the various engineers of the many different genres? Engineers' day gives us the opportunity to make contacts and have conversations that we wouldn't otherwise be able to have quite so easily. We are closer to the pulse. Answers from Christoph Brügger about Engineers' Day. When and in what context… View More
Addressing the future before it arrives - sustainably, competently and with passion.
Donor: Amstein + Walthert Holding AG
Interview with Rolf Mielebacher, COO
In addition to engineers for research, we also need engineers for practice. Today, many training programs impart a considerable diversity and breadth of content. This reorientation towards different competencies has resulted in a reduction of the practical relevance. I would like to see a renewed emphasis on practice. Answers from Rolf Mielebacher on Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you… View More
Engineering is the future
Donor: Amberg Engineering
Interview with Antonia Cornaro, Expert Room Underground
"Engineering is the future. What is important: more education about training and the profession while young people are still at school. Answers from Antonia Cornaro about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? Two years ago. Your company is now participating in Engineers' Day for the second time as a donor. Why are you involved… View More
Together with our customers, we develop sustainable solutions for the future.
Donor: Zühlke
Interview with Nicolas Durville, CEO Zühlke Switzerland
All the goals of Engineers' Day are highly relevant. Personally, the promotion of young talent is particularly close to my heart. This is a central issue both for us at Zühlke and for Switzerland as a business location and our society as a whole. Answers from Nicolas Durville about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day? I was asked about a year… View More
The branch promotes cooperation within the construction and real estate industry
Donor: The Branch
Interview with Sandra Romagnolo, Managing Director
When it comes to real estate, many people first think of architecture. For the branch, an integrated real estate world means that engineers and architects move much closer together and benefit from each other. Fostering dialogue between engineers and other professionals from different fields is a high priority in their view. Answers from Sandra Romagnolo about Engineers' Day. When and in what… View More
Zurich engineers
Donor: ewz together with vbz, wvz (Department of Industrial Operations of the City of Zurich)
Interview with Philipp Hatt, Head of Human Resources ewz
Promoting the next generation of engineers is a focus of ewz's employer branding strategy. The goal is to position ewz and the Department of Industrial Operations of the City of Zurich as an attractive employer with a wide range of engineering professions. On Engnieers'Day, they would like to show insights into the exciting everyday working life of engineers*. Answers from Philipp Hatt about Engineers'… View More
Being an engineer means, above all, pushing things forward.
Donor: Swiss Engineering STV Region Zurich Plus
Interview with Prof. Hanspeter Keel, Lecturer Product Development & Design, OST - University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland
Engineers often work in interdisciplinary teams and focus on performance rather than the individual. Engineers are often quiet creators. They enjoy the results of their work and think less about marketing. And so the fruits of our labor are not harvested by the engineers themselves. Answers from Hanspeter Keel about Engineers' Day. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers'… View More
Canton of Zurich Directorate of Economic Affairs
Platinum Donor: Location Promotion of the Canton of Zurich
Interview with Markus Müller, Project Manager Hightech
Top engineers meet in Schlieren. Engineers' Day celebrates and discusses the achievements of Swiss engineering every March 4. The Swiss Day is held simultaneously and coordinated with UNESCO's World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development. For all involved associations, companies, engineers and other interested parties, a networking event will be held in advance on February 17, 2022 at JED in Schlieren. Zurich… View More
Porsche Centre Zurich
Donor: Porsche Centre Zurich
Interview with Sascha Leardi, Head of After Sales
Engineers' Day was launched on a small scale in 2018, and in 2022 more than 50 companies / associations and universities will again be involved for the fourth time. When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (at the time)? Daniel Löhr drew our attention to Engineers' Day in the middle of 2019. Your company is now participating in Engineers' Day for the 2nd time as a… View More
Call for participation: Engineers' Day 2022 - World Engineering Day
Okotober News
Call for participation: Engineers' Day 2022 - World Engineering Day
Soon it will be that time again and on Friday, March 4, 2022, we can celebrate together the 5th World Engineers' Day, newly called Engineers' Day.
January newsletter Engineers’ Day 2021 Dear friends of the Engineers ’Day Engineers ’Day 2021 is approaching fast. We are very pleased with the great interest and support from our donors and active partners. We see it as an opportunity that most of the events will now be held virtually, as this will allow reaching a larger audience and also remaining present as a contemporary document. We are proud that the… View More
Diverstity in sicence and tech - why it matters?
For more than 35 years, CSEM has contributed to the economic sustainability of our country's industry thanks to its researchers - our DNA: microtechnologies and permanent research for low energy consumption.
Every year on 4 March, UNESCO's International Day for Sustainable Development is celebrated in honour of engineers. CSEM, a Swiss research centre at the cutting edge of technological innovation, is fully committed to this direction. For more than 35 years, CSEM has contributed to the economic sustainability of our country's industry thanks to its researchers - our DNA: microtechnologies and permanent research for low energy consumption.… View More
Future of engineers
Without engineers, there would be no electricity, no smartphone and no virtual media events. They also play a crucial role in the sustainable development of our civilization.
In order to address the importance of this professional group in public and to get young people excited about engineering, more than 50 mainly virtual events will take place on March 4, 2021 on the day of the engineers, which are offered by companies, educational institutions and science centers. The focus is on the virtual event "Workshop Engineers Future" on March 4th from 1 pm, at which top-class… View More
January News
Engineers ’Day 2021 is approaching fast. We are very pleased with the great interest and support from our donors and active partners. We see it as an opportunity that most of the events will now be held virtually, as this will allow reaching a larger audience and also remaining present as a contemporary document.
January newsletter Engineers’ Day 2021 Dear friends of the Engineers ’Day Engineers ’Day 2021 is approaching fast. We are very pleased with the great interest and support from our donors and active partners. We see it as an opportunity that most of the events will now be held virtually, as this will allow reaching a larger audience and also remaining present as a contemporary document. We are proud that the… View More
My central concern is to awaken and strengthen the fascination for technology in young people.
Patronage member: Barbara Frei
Interview with Barbara Frei, EVP Industrial Automation at Schneider Electric
Engineers make an important contribution to the challenges of our time -- and it's very exciting when we tell it like it is. (Image above: Barbara Frei) The answers from Barbara Frei, Executive Vice President Industrial Automation, Schneider Electric: When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (then Engineers' Day)? I first heard about it through Daniel… View More
Since Engineers' Day is now held on March 4, we have changed the hashtag. Please use this one from now on. Thank you all so much for being so involved. Simply great! https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/ingtag/ #IngTag1503 #Ingtag0403 #worldengday #penisonskasse #pensionskasse_ptv @STV_Engineering #SwissEngineering_stv #SIA_ch #USIC #svin #SDGs #engineering #energy… View More
Engineers' Day * World Engineering Day Dear friends of the Engineers' Day In the meantime, we are a huge step further and can announce concrete info about the 4th Engineers' Day (Engineers' Day - World Engineering Day) on March 4, 2021. What started on a small scale in March 2018 will become the most important day for engineers. Basic idea of Engineers' Day Engineers' Day is… View More
For sustainable development, much needs to be done to ensure that everyone has access to clean water, sanitation, reliable energy and other basic human needs. There is also much to be done in all countries - to address the impacts of climate change, environmental problems, our growing cities and the challenges of new technologies including artificial intelligence. There are many opportunities and the day can be used to connect with young… View More
Video message: Film The market in engineering has been marked by an increase in demand in recent years. Studies show that demographic change will exacerbate the situation in the future. In the long term, Switzerland can expect a shortage of up to 50,000 engineers. Why is there a need for Engineers' Day? Engineers' Day draws attention to the achievements of… View More
It is important to avoid gatherings of people. That is why it is planned that on Engineers' Day, tomorrow Sunday March 15, Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin will pay tribute in a video message to the importance of engineers, especially in these turbulent times. To recognize the achievements of engineers, wear something light blue tomorrow. We are sorry to cancel, or rather postpone, the events on such short notice. We would like… View More
Due to the current situation around the Corona virus and the large number of visitors, we are forced to cancel the event of March 15 at the Vortex House, respectively to postpone it to March 15, 2021. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks for the support of Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin, the owner of Vortex House, the pension fund of the Canton of Vaud and the general contractor Losinger - Marazzi, as… View More
Engineers showcase their accomplishments * Tour Vortex House on Engineers' Day, Sunday March 15, 2020.
We invite you to Vortex House in Lausanne on March 15 at 10 am. Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin and representatives of the engineering associations will present the importance of the professions. Why is the engineering profession so important? We are all surrounded by things that are an integral part of our everyday lives and that would not even exist without engineers. Be it water from the tap,… View More
For the second time, a party will be held at Club Zukunft on Engineers' Day. This time, science slammers will provide the highlight with a competition. On Sunday March 15, starting at 5:00 p.m., engineers and friends of engineers will meet at Dienerstrasse 33 in Zurich to celebrate and socialize. Science Slam is a competition. Several slammers compete against each other in a scientific short presentation tournament,… View More
On Sunday 15 March 2020 from 09:00, BLS will be demonstrating the varied and exciting engineering activities involved in tunnel construction. The 35-kilometer long Lötschberg base tunnel is the heart of the BLS infrastructure. It is one of the safest, most modern and technically most complex railroad tunnels in the world. Together with the Gotthard Base Tunnel and the Monte Ceneri Base Tunnel, it is part of the NRLA, the new… View More